35+ Best Moral Stories in English for Kids

In this article, we provide you with a list of Moral stories in English. These moral stories are like magical tales that aren’t just entertaining but also teach us some important lessons about being good and kind.

These moral stories for kids have characters who do good things, like sharing, caring, and helping others. Children get to learn from their adventures.

So, moral stories are like our superhero bedtime buddies. They make us giggle, and smile, and also help us understand what it means to be a good friend, a kind person, and how to make the world a better place.

Get ready for a journey of fun and wisdom as we dive into these amazing moral stories.

Moral Stories in English for Kids

Always Believe in Yourself (Short moral stories in English)

moral stories in english for kids

Once upon a time, there lived two friends in a village named Ajay and Vijay. Ajay was 6 years old, while Vijay was 10 years old. They both were very close friends and spent most of their time together.

One day they decided to have some adventure and went far away from the village. while they were running and exploring, Vijay fell into a well. He starts screaming because he doesn’t know how to swim and starts thinking that he will drown and die there.

When Ajay came to know about this, he looked around for help but there was no help. He suddenly saw a bucket that was tied to a rope. He threw it into the well and asked Vijay to hold it tightly.

Ajay started pulling the rope until Vijay came out of the well. After Vijay came out, both of them were very happy and ran towards their home. When they told their family members and the villagers about the incident, no one believed them because Ajay was too small and weak to lift a bucket full of water. Therefore, no one believed that he would have pulled Vijay out of the well.

But Uncle Shyam was the only one who believed in him. Uncle Sham was an elderly and experienced man, whose words were taken very seriously by the villagers. So he asked Uncle Shyam how this could be possible.

Uncle Shyam laughingly said, what is there to explain in this? When the boy himself is telling how he did it. He threw the bucket down and pulled him out to save his friend. But the surprising thing is how he got so much strength. This was because there was no one there to tell him that he couldn’t do it.

Then Uncle Shyam told all the villagers “The only one who can empower you is yourself. You can do it if you think you can do it.” The villagers realized how important it is to believe in yourself.

“Believe in yourself and help your friends, because when you’re strong inside, you can do amazing things together.”

A Clever Fish (Short Moral Stories for Kids)

moral stories in english for students

One day, a fisherman was fishing in the river as usual. He threw his net in the river and sat there. He started waiting for the fish so that he could sell a lot of fish in the market and earn some money.

After some time the fisherman felt the net shaking. He realized that there must be a lot of fish trapped in his net, so he took the net out of the water. But he saw that only a small fish was trapped in the net.

When he extended his hand to catch the fish, suddenly the fish said to the fisherman – “Hey fisherman, please, please, please leave me, please leave me, otherwise I will die.” But the fisherman did not pay any attention to the fish.

But then, the little fish said to the fisherman โ€“ ‘O fisherman, I will tell you something that will help you a lot. If you drop me back into the water I will come back and tell all my friends about you and bring everyone to the river bank.

So, you will have plenty of fish the next time you come. The fisherman thought – If this happens then I will be able to earn a lot of money by selling them. He thought that if I released a small fish today, I would get a lot of fish tomorrow.

After this, the fisherman releases the small fish into the river. The little fish happily went back into the river and never came back. The fisherman returned the next day with the hope that he would find plenty of fish.

But that little fish was very smart and because of its wisdom, she saved her life from the fisherman.

“You have to be very smart to save your life from such challenging activities.”



The Hidden Treasure

In a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, lived a farmer named Arjun. Arjun was known for his hard work and honesty. He owned a small piece of land where he grew vegetables and fruits, and despite his modest means, he always managed to make ends meet. Arjun lived with his wife, Radha, and their two children, Raju and Priya.

One summer, a severe drought hit the village. The once fertile land turned dry and barren, and the crops began to wither. Arjun worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk, trying to save his farm, but the relentless sun and lack of rain seemed to mock his efforts. The familyโ€™s savings dwindled, and the prospect of a failed harvest loomed large.

One evening, as Arjun was returning from the fields, he noticed an old, weary traveler resting under a tree near his home. Feeling a sense of compassion, Arjun invited the traveler to share their humble meal and spend the night at their home. The traveler, grateful for the kindness, accepted the offer.

After dinner, the traveler revealed that he was a wise sage who had traveled far and wide. He listened intently to Arjun’s woes and offered a solution. “There is a hidden treasure buried beneath your land,” the sage said. “But to find it, you must follow my instructions precisely.”

Arjun’s eyes widened with hope and curiosity. “What must I do?” he asked eagerly.

The sage smiled and said, “At the break of dawn, dig at the center of your field. You will find a box containing the treasure. But remember, the real treasure lies not in the box but in what you do with it.”

The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight kissed the earth, Arjun set out to dig at the center of his field. After hours of labor, he unearthed a wooden box. With trembling hands, he opened it, only to find a small, dusty mirror inside. Disappointed and confused, he took the mirror to the sage.

“This is the treasure?” Arjun asked, puzzled.

The sage nodded. “Yes, it is. Look into the mirror and see the true treasure.”

Arjun gazed into the mirror, and gradually, realization dawned upon him. The mirror reflected his own face, tired yet resilient, worn yet hopeful. The sageโ€™s words echoed in his mind: “The real treasure lies not in the box but in what you do with it.”

Understanding the sage’s wisdom, Arjun decided to invest his energy and spirit into rejuvenating his land. He sought advice from knowledgeable farmers, implemented innovative irrigation techniques, and involved his family in the effort. Slowly but surely, the land began to respond to their collective hard work and determination.

The drought eventually ended, and the rains returned, nourishing the soil and filling the air with the scent of new life. Arjun’s fields flourished once again, yielding a bountiful harvest. The familyโ€™s fortunes improved, but more importantly, they discovered the value of perseverance, unity, and the true meaning of wealth.

Arjun realized that the real treasure was not a material possession but the strength and spirit within oneself. The sageโ€™s mirror had revealed to him the power of self-belief and the importance of resilience. With a heart full of gratitude, Arjun often shared his story with his children and fellow villagers, teaching them that true treasure lies within and that hard work and determination can overcome even the harshest of trials.

And so, the village prospered, not just because of the harvest but because of the newfound wisdom that spread like seeds of hope, taking root in the hearts of all who heard Arjunโ€™s tale. The hidden treasure, once thought to be material, turned out to be a lesson in life’s greatest values, forever enriching the lives of those who embraced it.

“The true treasure lies within ourselves. Through hard work, determination, and self-belief, we can overcome any adversity and achieve great things.”


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